Industry Knowledge & Contacts
At WA Alternative Energy we pride ourselves on our depth of industry knowledge specifically regarding grants and rebates and applying for government funding.
This knowledge results in all major logistical barriers being overcome. WA Alternative Energy has large Australia wide industry networks and very strong relationships with quality suppliers, Western Power and industry bodies.
WA Alternative Energy has a long and strong relationship with Western Power which enables us to access historical usage patterns from our clients metering set up. This relationship is invaluable with systems over 30KW as the grid connections are more complex and costly. WA Alternative Energy understands the needs and requirements of Western Power thereby satisfying both Western Power and the client’s needs in a cost effective manner.
In 2014 Simon Barclay was nominated to the Clean Energy Council PY Leadership Committee which is the leading group within the renewable energy industry. Simon was the first and only non-corporate member of this committee. This position has allowed WA Alternative Energy to strengthen it’s relationships with both the leading manufacturers within the solar industry and the Clean Energy Council.
Simon Barclay also represents the Sustainable Energy Association of WA on the El-042 renewable energy standards committee. This committee consists of the leading industry technical representatives within Australia. This enables WA Alternative Energy to be on the forefront of any technical changes within the industry.

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