Analysis of Real-Time Data
We’ll analyse your real-time data to help you make an informed decision on the viability of solar.
WAAE are experts at giving you the right solution to reduce your energy costs, enabling your business to minimise its exposure to future energy price rises. Upon contacting WAAE we will book you in for an Energy Assessment with one of our solar engineers, where we use your real-time energy data to determine the viability of solar power to your business. This is a site-specific monitoring procedure and assessment which is conducted at no cost or obligation to you, the client. We have a direct relationship with Western Power enabling us to purchase the last 2 years historical usage data from your site. This data is broken down into usage sections of 15 minute time frames which will enable us to simulate weather patterns at the site. We can then overlay the production of the system vs the load profile to determine the optimum system size for the site.
The Importance of Accurate System Sizing
The accurate sizing of the system is critical. If a system is sized too small the benefits will not be enough to ensure you a significant saving. If the system is too large it will not save you all of the energy produced and you will therefore over capitalise on the cost of the project in relation to the savings it will deliver.
WAAE Viability Report
Once our Energy Assessment is completed you will be presented with the WAAE Viability Report. This will contain conclusive, customised recommendations for the optimum solar power solution for your business. There are 4 key components:
- Accurate analysis of your current energy usage to determine the optimum system size
- Evaluate the site
- Review services required and determine possible infrastructure issues
- Conduct a risk assessment